Pure Human: The Hidden Truth of Our Divinity, Power, and Destiny by Gregg Braden

In an age where technologies such as AI threaten to supplant human intelligence, an award-winning scientist offers a radical new view of our innate human technology and what we’re truly capable of. There are rare moments in time when we make choices that irreversibly change the world, and our lives, forever. Today...

Live the Life You Deserve: How to Let Go of What No Longer Serves You and Embody Your Highest Self by Sylvester McNutt III

Embrace your true potential and live your best life with guidance from Sylvester McNutt III, host of the Free Your Energy podcast and author of Care Package. Do you ever feel like there’s more to life but struggle to figure out how to attain it? Are your circumstances holding you back from reaching...

Change Your Questions, Change Your Future: Overcome Challenges and Create a New Vision for Your Life Using the Principles of Solution Focused Brief Therapy by Adam Froerer, Elliott Connie

A practical and hopeful guide that teaches you how to ask yourself the right questions in order to create a new vision for your future. What outcome do you want from reading this book? What difference would it make if you could attain it? How would you notice the change...

Read Life Accurately: Recognize and Respond to What’s Really Happening by Sonia Choquette

Best-selling author and intuitive reader shares her essential guide to “reading” people, places, and situations for better clarity, peace, and success. “After reading for people for a few years, it became important to me not to just read for others, but to teach them how to do it for themselves,...

Think Like a Boss: Stop Playing Small and Start Thinking Big by Maggie Colette

BUILD THE MINDSET TO ACHIEVE THE GOALS THAT OTHERS SAY ARE IMPOSSIBLE Think Like a Boss is your guide to thinking big, living big, and winning big. With a motivating blend of inspiring stories, thought-provoking exercises, and actionable strategies, it provides a roadmap that will elevate your mindset, unlock your inner...