The Little Book of Good Things! by Bhavya Doshi

‘When it comes down to it, it really is the little things that count most.’ – Robert Cheeke Even though it might seem that everyone is happy, everyone is achieving their goals, everyone is living their dream life, the fact is that every single one of us goes through all...

The Third Eye: Awakening Your True Self by Dr. Gian Kumar, PhD

The Third Eye takes you beyond spirituality, distancing the self from its doing, towards a higher knowledge where you are neither the observer, knower, doer, enjoyer nor the experiencer. You are neither the physical nor that mental being, for they are but temporarily yours . . . appearing and disappearing...

Coffee with a Coffin: Permanent Lessons from the Impermanence of Life by Alok Ranjan

An invaluable resource and essential reading for ‘anyone who is alive’! There is only one certainty in life—Death. No one is immune from it. And yet we still find it difficult to talk about it. It remains a taboo subject and when faced with it, people turn to things they...

The Inner Light: A Beginner’s Guide to Spirituality and Finding Peace by Sumaa Tekur

This book is for those looking to dip their toes, and then some, into the waters of spirituality without getting caught in the whirlpool of spiritual consumerism. The growing uncertainty of the economic climate and ever-increasing anxieties about our health and wellness have made it more urgent than ever before...

Healing through a Course in Miracles by Enric Corbera

In Healing Through a Course in Miracles, renowned psychologist and emotional wellness coach, Enric Corbera, addresses the ever-present and seemingly unresolvable conflict . . . conflict with oneself, with life, with everything! The book seeks to make the reader more aware of all the beliefs that create situations of conflict...