One More Day: Find Strength and Resilience through Your Darkest Times with Life-Saving Tools from Positive Psychology by Niyc Pidgeon

Positive Psychologist Niyc Pidgeon lost three close friends to suicide. Now she is equipping readers with the simple psychological perspectives, exercises and interventions to support them through their darker days. Find strength through your darkest times with life-saving tools from Positive Psychology. At points in her life, leading Positive Psychologist...

Now Is Your Chance: A 30-Day Guide to Living Your Happiest Life Using Positive Psychology by Niyc Pidgeon

Happiness is the ultimate goal for so many of us, but why does it often feel like a destination that’s completely unreachable? Everybody wants a better life, yet for so long we have been looking in all the wrong places and directing our focus outwards for solutions that can only...