Trust Your Vibes (Revised Edition): Live an Extraordinary Life by Using Your Intuitive Intelligence by Sonia Choquette

Awaken your intuition, trust your vibes, and create your best life with this revised and updated edition of the self-help classic by spiritual teacher Sonia Choquette. If you want an easier, more energetically uplifting, and satisfying way of life-it all comes down to trusting your vibes. Originally published in 2004,...

Read Life Accurately: Recognize and Respond to What’s Really Happening by Sonia Choquette

Best-selling author and intuitive reader shares her essential guide to “reading” people, places, and situations for better clarity, peace, and success. “After reading for people for a few years, it became important to me not to just read for others, but to teach them how to do it for themselves,...

21 Days to Jump-Start Your Intuition: Awaken Your Most Empowering Super Sense by Sonia Choquette

Awaken your intuitive voice, honor your spirit, and discover how to make your heart’s desire a reality with the expert guidance of world-renowned spiritual teacher Sonia Choquette. Your intuition is the voice of your authentic Self. Developing your intuition allows you to recognize that you are a spiritual being, connect...

Walking Home: A Pilgrimage from Humbled to Healed by Sonia Choquette

Life was falling apart. Within the space of three years, Sonia Choquette had suffered the unexpected death of two close family members, seen her marriage implode, and been let down by trusted colleagues. And sympathy was not forthcoming. “You’re a world-renowned spiritual teacher and intuitive guide,” people jeered. “How could...

Diary Of A Psychic by Sonia Choquette

With disarming transparency and humor, Sonia shares her own psychic journey, including all of the struggles she