Anxiety Free

Author: Robert L. Leahy, Ph.D Category: Inspirational & Personal Growth ISBN: 9781401921644 Binding: Paperback Dimensions: 229 x 163 Number of Pages: 360

In his new book, Robert L. Leahy, Ph.D., author of the best-selling book The Worry Cure, turns his attention to anxiety. Leahy looks at the origin of anxiety and teaches you how to outsmart your fears for a less stressful life. He lays out the symptoms associated with some of the most common anxiety disorders, including panic and agoraphobia, obsessive-compulsive, generalized anxiety, social anxiety, and post-traumatic stress and provides simple, step-by-step guides to help you overcome the fears associated with each of these.

Anxiety Free explores how preprogrammed rules of reaction, which are a product of the evolutionary process, keep us in the grip of anxiety. For each anxiety disorder, Leahy shows how our fears and unchallenged assumptions stand in the way of our freedom.

Using Leahy

Robert L. Leahy, Ph.D

Robert L. Leahy PhD is recognised worldwide as one of the most respected writers and speakers on cognitive therapy. He has 25 years experience practising cognitive therapy to help patients with anxiety, and holds a number of high-ranking positions in his field. He is the author or editor of 15 books, including the bestselling The Worry Cure, and has been featured in magazines, newspapers, TV and radio, both in the US and UK. He lives in the USA.

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