Money, and the Law of Attraction
Author: Esther and Jerry Hicks Category: Mind-Body-Spirit ISBN: 9788189988586 Binding: Paperback-with flaps Dimensions: 224 x 152 x 23 mm Number of Pages: 288
This Leading Edge work by Esther and Jerry Hicks, who present the teachings of the Non-Physical consciousness Abraham, explains that the two subjects most chronically affected by the powerful Law of Attraction are financial and physical well-being. This book will shine a spotlight on each of the most significant aspects of your life experience and then guide you to the conscious creative control of every aspect of your life, and also goes right to the heart of what most of you are probably troubled by: money and physical health. Not having enough money or not having good health puts you in the perfect position for creating more of that which you do not have. This book has been written to deliberately align you with the most powerful law in the universe
Esther and Jerry Hicks

Excited about the clarity and practicality of the translated word from the Beings who call themselves Abraham, Esther and Jerry Hicks began disclosing their amazing Abraham experience to a handful of close business associates in 1986. Recognizing the practical results being received by them and by those people who were asking meaningful questions regarding finances, bodily conditions, and relationships—and then successfully applying Abraham’s answers to their own situations—Esther and Jerry made a deliberate decision to allow the Teachings of Abraham to become available to an ever-widening circle of seekers of answers to how to live a better life. Abraham—a group of obviously evolved Non-Physical teachers—present their Broader Perspective through Esther. And as they speak to our level of comprehension through a series of loving, allowing, brilliant, yet comprehensively simple essays in print and in sound, they guide us to a clear Connection with our loving Inner Being and to uplifting self-empowerment from our Total Self. Authors of The Astonishing Power of Emotions, The Law of Attraction, The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent, and Money and the Law of Attraction, Esther and Jerry have now published more than 700 Abraham-Hicks books, cassettes, CDs, videos, and DVDs. They recently published two new DVDs with Hay House—The Teachings of AbrahamTM: The Masters Course Video and The Law of Attraction in Action DVD series.