Why Do Bad Things Happen

Author: Gordon Smith Category: Mind-Body-Spirit ISBN: 9781848501027 Binding: Paperback Dimensions: 214 x 134 Number of Pages: 228

The child who dies of a terminal illness, the mother of a young family killed by a drunk driver, the young boy who takes his own life because he is bullied at school, the children massacred when a crazed person takes a gun into their school. So many lives seem to end tragically – world renowned medium Gordon Smith looks at why. In his work as a medium Gordon is constantly asked why a person had to die. Were they too good for this world? Did they go before their time? Why would a benevolent God let them suffer? Are they still suffering after death? For Gordon his work with the Spirit world is dedicated to healing the living. This book will answer many of the questions that torment the living when death steals away someone they love. This inspirational, heart-felt book will give people a deeper understanding of the relationship between life and death and the journey we all take when we leave this life.

Gordon Smith

Gordon Smith is an astoundingly accurate medium renowned for his ability to give exact names of people, places, and even street names relevant to a person’s life. Gordon travels around the world demonstrating his abilities, offering healing and comfort to thousands of people. His extraordinary skills have attracted the attention of university scientists researching psychic phenomena, as well as countless journalists and documentary producers. www.gordonsmithmedium.com

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