Wild Thing: Embracing Childhood Traits in Adulthood for a Happier, More Carefree Life
Mike Fairclough
ISBN: 9789388302524
Binding: Paperback
Dimensions: 7 x 5 inch
Number of Pages: 152
‘I was captivated from the first paragraph.’
~ Sarah, Duchess of York
Do you remember how adventurous life was when you were a child? How saccharine was the freedom you experienced? Those were the times you climbed trees, built camps, became an adventurer, and looked out on a world of unlimited possibilities without anyone stopping you. Just like your favourite character from a book, you were the master of your own destiny and on the verge of discovering pots of gold and treasure maps.
How come it’s all gone? When was the last time you were dizzy with happiness and adrenaline was coursing through your veins?
For some of us, we left the magical world of imagination and adventure during our teen years or early twenties. We succumbed to the pressures of our peers, parents, and society and forgot to look at the world in all its beauty. The pots of gold and the treasure maps gradually slipped out of sight and our sense of limitlessness vanished.
Wild Thing is about reclaiming those feelings. The book will rekindle the enthusiasm for life’s adventures as a means of leading a happier, healthier, and more exciting existence. We will discover treasure maps. We will discover gold. All we need to do is pick back up our rose-tinted glasses and go about our life’s adventures. This book is an invitation to be playful . . . to be free.
Mike Fairclough

Mike Fairclough is the head teacher of West Rise Junior School, Eastbourne, UK. He has had a range of TV and national press coverage and is a published author and a columnist for Tes, a UK-based education publication